William-Adolphe Bouguereau

William-Adolphe Bouguereau
After the bath
Branche de laurier 1900
Dante and virgil in hell 1850
Dawn 1881
Evening mood
Harvester 1875
Ladmiration 1897
Nymphs and satyr
The abduction of psyche
The youth of bacchus 1884
Young girl defending herself against cupid
A childhood idyll 1900
A little coaxing 1890
A moment of rest 1900
A portrait of amelina dufaud 1850
A portrait of eug ne bouguereau 1850
Adolphus child and teen 1878
Adornment fields
After the bath 1875
All saints day 1859
Alone in the world
Apples 1897
Art and literature
Assault 1898
At the edge of the brook 1875
At the edge of the brook 1879
At the fountain 1897
Bacchante 1894
Bacchante 1899
Bacchante on a panther
Back fields 1898
Baigneuse 1870
Beaut romane 1904
Before the bath 1900
Berceuse 1875
Birth of venus
Breton brother and sister 1871
Brother and sister 1887